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Press Release -- July 21st, 2010
Source: Colt Group
Tags: 100G, 40G, Colocation, Exchange, Low Latency

Colt offers low latency connectivity to NYSE Euronext’s SFTI® Access Centres for colocation customers

Helping connect customers to NYSE Euronext’s new European Liquidity Centre

21 July 2010 

Colt, a leading provider of business communications and IT managed services, today announced it has been selected by NYSE Technologies to provide customer connectivity to NYSE Euronext’s SFTI® Access Centres via the low latency SFTI® Optic service. Once connected, customers will be provided with low latency access to their colocation racks at the new NYSE Euronext European Liquidity Centre located outside of London.

The new state-of-the-art facility in Basildon, UK, will house all of NYSE Euronext’s European markets and also includes a next generation colocation service for trading firms. Colt is already connecting a number of trading institutions to NYSE Euronext’s SFTI® network access centres, in readiness for the anticipated migration of all NYSE Euronext European matching engines to the facility.

Colt is now offering connectivity options at 1GB and 10GB, and potentially up to 40GB and 100GB based on customer demand, using its pan-European fibre network. Colt recently upgraded its long distance network using next generation optical technologies to further drive down latency and increase resilience. 

“Colt is committed to providing our financial sector clients with best-in-class access to all liquidity pools across Europe as they evolve,” said Tanuja Randery, Head of Global, UK & Ireland for Colt’s Major Enterprise Division. “The NYSE Euronext Liquidity Centre is a landmark facility, which will take electronic trading to new levels of capability allowing firms to access the matching engines with the lowest possible latency. We are already connecting several of the first trading firms in preparation for launch later this year.”

About Colt serving the financial sector

As the leading European information delivery platform, Colt is a provider of business communications and IT managed services to more than 35,000 major, midsize and wholesale organisations across Europe. Colt was founded in 1992 specifically to serve financial institutions in London. Today Colt has maintained and developed further its strong expertise and focus on finance customers’ specific needs, as part of its Major Enterprise sector solutions offerings. The company now provides the communications infrastructure that underpins over 1,000 financial organisations across 13 countries.

Trillions of dollars are carried over Colt’s network every single day, and, as such, the company plays an important role in supporting the major developments in today’s European financial services industry, from ultra low latency trading to market data and to regulatory compliance and post trade clearing and settlement.

Colt’s 1000+ financial sector customers include:

• 24 of the world’s largest 25 financial institutions
• 22 European stock exchanges and the new Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs)
• Top five providers of market data
• 13 European Central Banks
• Colt is the largest accredited SWIFT network-provider, with 750+ European clients

Tailor-made services for the financial sector

Colt’s services are designed to help customers across the spectrum of the financial industry, including:

Trading: Colt connects 22 stock exchanges and MTFs in Europe, seven of which are hosted in our own data centres.  As trading has evolved towards ultra low latency and reached ever higher frequencies Colt has helped its investment banking, broking and hedge fund clients find liquidity and execute their order flow.  We enable global financial institutions to get closer to liquidity and to seamlessly trade, both across asset classes and on remote markets. Our solutions range from our FastNet Ultra range of low latency fibre connectivity, to offering proximity hosting of clients trading applications as close as possible to the matching engines of the exchanges and the MTFs.

Payments & Clearing: Colt is one of only four global SWIFT-approved network providers and we connect more than 750 banks to the SWIFT Secure IP Network.  Colt also underpins 13 national high-value payment systems in addition to connecting clients to national and regional securities clearing houses.  Trillions of dollars a day flow reliably and securely over these mission critical networks.

Buy-side: Colt services are used by the buy side asset managers, mutual funds and institutional investors across Europe, including 24 of the largest 25 European hedge funds and the top 10 asset managers (as ranked by ‘Institutional Investor’ magazine).  These firms use Colt’s suite of data, voice and managed services for a range of business reasons, including compliance, risk management, clearing, netting and settlement.

Service Providers: Colt excels in delivering ultra low-latency connectivity and secure managed hosting.  This provides a strong platform for vendors to deliver their value added services to their financial customers.  Our 25,000km pan-European optic fibre network with direct fibre connections into 116 cities enables service providers to extend their reach to more potential customers and to deliver a highly reliable service, explaining why Colt is used by the top five market data vendors.

About ColtColt is Europe’s leading information delivery platform, enabling its customers to share, process and store their vital business information.  Colt is an established leader in delivering integrated networking and IT managed services to major organisations, midsized businesses and wholesale customers. Colt operates a 13-country, 25,000km network that includes metropolitan area networks in 34 major European cities with direct fibre connections into 16,000 buildings and 19 Colt data centres. 

Colt is listed on the London Stock Exchange (COLT). Information about Colt and its services can be found at

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