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Press Release -- July 11th, 2016
Source: AT&T

Living Proud at AT&T

Pride Month may have ended, but the AT&T 4th Annual Live Proud campaign is still going strong until August 14!

The country ushered in the era of equal marriage this time last year. Since then, the LGBT community continues moving forward with optimism and excitement.  But it’s also endured hardship and heartache. The tragedy in Orlando reminds us that there’s still work to do.

We stand tall alongside LGBT community members, allies and friends.

AT&T crisscrossed the country this Pride season with our AT&T Live Proud campaign. We took part in celebrations in Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Petersburg and event San Francisco, at the nation’s largest LGBT event of the year. We even inked people – with temporary tattoos, that is.

We met with members of the community and celebrated the many ways the LGBT community has helped move our country – and the world – forward into the future.

We also asked you to tell us which Pride color represents you. Are you the cool, calm and collected type? Maybe blue’s the color for you! Are you a contemplative creative? Then orange might be more your style. Not sure which one is for you? Well you’re in luck because you’ll have until Aug. 14 to discover which color best represents you!

Take the quiz to find out your Pride color and upload your personal photo by Aug. 14 to be entered into our Live Proud sweepstakes. One lucky winner and their guest will win a 3-night getaway trip to Palm Springs from Nov. 4 – 7 during Palm Springs Pride Week. Visit for details.

AT&T celebrates and embraces individuality and diversity.

To help supporters contribute to the relief effort in Orlando, we’ve established a text donation line. Text “Orlando” to 20222 to donate $10 to the Orlando Regional Medical Center’s Level One Trauma Center. Your contribution will go towards ongoing medical support needs.

Pride season may have ended, but the call to “Live Proud” never ends. Thank you to the LGBT community members, allies and friends who support equality, dignity and respect for all.

And remember, Pride Month may be over but our Live Proud campaign and sweepstakes are going strong until Aug. 14.


For more information about AT&T’s commitment to diversity, visit our 2015 Diversity Annual Report. To learn more about LEAGUE, AT&T’s LGBT employee resource group, visit

Mark E. Patterson is a Manager for Quality, M&P and process and CEO of LEAGUE at AT&T

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