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Press Release -- January 23rd, 2013
Source: Hudson Fiber Network

HFN Launches Fastest/Shortest Fiber Path Between Key Financial Sites

Lowest Latency Services Immediately Available Between
755 Secaucus Road and 300 Boulevard East Weehawken, New Jersey

PARAMUS, N.J. (January 23, 2013) – Hudson Fiber Network (HFN), the leading U.S. based transport and IP services provider, announced completion of the fastest fiber path between 755 Secaucus Road, Secaucus, NJ (known as Equinix NY4) and 300 Boulevard East Weehawken, New Jersey. The route sets the new industry standard  by reducing latency between these sites by over 25 percent.

Built with strategic partner Cross River Fiber, a New Jersey-based, boutique dark fiber  transport solutions provider, the new path is 5.94km or 59us RTD, compared with the previous fastest route of 8.1km or 81us RTD. It features unique design elements using the lowest latency technically advanced optical gear available for lit services, adding almost zero latency (four nanoseconds). The route meets the highest industry standards for latency measurement with an official Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) metric of 5.9km.

“This is the shortest route ever created between these locations– but certainly not the least complex – the high degree of construction complexity has created a barrier to entry for our competition,” said Keith Muller CEO, HFN. “This will give us a clear advantage for the foreseeable future. This route is a game changer for financial clients who require the fastest connectivity between these two facilities.”

“The completion of this path is part of our ongoing commitment to delivering optimal fiber  performance to our clients,” said Brett Diamond, President, HFN. A 25%+ reduction in  latency translates to a critical advantage for our financial clients. It is critical to connect  these Trading Engine points at the lowest latency. This route is (1) one leg of our (4) four  new Mahwah, NJ (NYSE) fast paths that are only weeks from completion. We continue  to strive toward improved performance for the financial community.”

HFN adds this route to its recently launched new fiber paths from Mahwah to Federal  Boulevard, Carteret, NJ which decreased the latency standard by 22 percent, 300  Boulevard East, Weehawken, which resulted in a 36 percent reduction, 755 Secaucus  Road, Secaucus, NJ which had a 50 percent decrease in latency and 165 Halsey Street,  Newark, which experienced a 25 percent reduction.

HFN will offer dark fiber and lit services; as well as HFN’s industry changing wave
services on this route. Fully protected and redundant solutions will be available to meet
the individual needs of its clients. HFN’s passive wave offering allows clients to choose their own frequency– this is the only offering of its kind in the industry. Current HFN clients will have the option to upgrade to the new route

The newly completed route was activated on January 21, 2013 and services are  available immediately.

About Hudson Fiber Network
Hudson Fiber Network is a premier data transport provider, offering flexible networking solutions for financial, content, carrier and enterprise clients. Hudson Fiber Network’s  suite of scalable solutions helps clients increase network efficiency and lower overall networking expenditures. Services include Gigabit Ethernet, optical wave solutions and IP connectivity (10 MB through 100 Gig), and are delivered in and between key U.S. and global metropolitan markets, via Hudson Fiber Network’s fully owned and operated fiber network. Hudson Fiber Network was established in 2002 and is headquartered in  Paramus, New Jersey. For more information, please visit or contact us at 1-888-HFN-4573 or

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